Friday, 16 October 2009

quick bite

A quick bite is a kind of kick I have decided to give myself to keep blog spirit live .Something, short, quick and spontaneous.First one of them:


After all the random kitchen chores post dinner,I decided it was time to call it a day(rather night) and get some sleep. Going towards the bedroom,my thought bubble at this instance "oh, it is weekend ,tomorrow - colour dress!***" :)
While the actual thought bubble should have been "Oh, it is weekend, it is CASUAL WEAR tomorrow"!!! :P
*** While in school,we used to be allowed to wear any dress we want on the last working day of the week which was called colour dress as it was not the normal uniform.haha!
I wondered how this phrase came to my mind after so many years,smiled and went off to sleep.

P.S: Picture: I clicked this at HongKong during our stopover. Nothing Spectacular but it seemed to me that the man made concrete jungle was trying its level best at competing with the natural set out.


Swaram said...

ha ha ha Lovely days alva - colour dress antha we used to be so happy :)

So, did u wear colour dress;)

itsyvitsy said...

I remember that "colour dress" day! Also, you would remember that there was one other day you were allowed wear the casual... er... colour day, and that would be your birthday. So if you would find a weirdo running the corridors of the school wearing colour dress on a weekday you can damn well be sure that it is his/her birthday. :D

By the way, the concrete jungle thing reminded me of my own story As I look outside my window.

sri said...

haha color dress, nostalgic , I remember that too, and birthdays are always Happy birthdays :)

here through Preeti's blog , nice pictures and good caption, the buildings do seem to compete with the nature's backdrop .

dishantparikh said...

Yeah...that's true... concrete jungles are spreading on such a rapid rate that in later years of our life we can only see the nature in photos or videos...

Swathy said...

@ swaram: hmmm..yes I I do everyday.:)

@vittal:oh, ya birthday s too..Plus how about those rainy days when one would come soacked and get to wear some spare dress from teacher s cupbaord,I had a colur dress left there for those lovely times as I used to travel quite a lot to reach school and very often got soaked to the core.

@ Srivats : yes, very nostalgic arent they?
thanks for not just visitng but for writing a comment.
Means a lot, thanks :)

@dishantparikh:sounds scary but the day may not be too far.

itsyvitsy said...

We did? My memory seems to be failing me on that. May be after the end of term the school gave it away to poor people? I wish they did that! Give us another quick bite soon please, will you?

Ajai said...

he he... colour dress!! yaaaay!
old habits die hard ah? lol.
hope u had fun. :)

Swathy said...

@ vittal: trying to churn something out soon.[:)]
@ Aj: ahan, u bet I did have a good laugh at my thoughts..
sometimes I go beyond my own levels of expectations..